LogoThe biggest artwork collection of the famous Serbian expressionist painter

Artist’s Quotes

Milan Konjović

I think that passion controlled by reason is the essence of my painting. The cerebral in me is always in the background…

Interview, Mladost, November 26, 1958

Milan Konjović

I love when breath and the freshness of the first creation are felt. I do not belong to any art movement. I am a dramatist, expressionist and colourist…

Interview, Mladost, November 26, 1958

Milan Konjović

The act of painting is miraculous and always an enigma. If it weren’t so, I would have given up painting a long time ago. It is endless and out of reach, just like the plains. You think they come to an end somewhere, but the horizon is always moving…

Dnevnik, July 24, 1958

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